Home Health Winter Diseases

Winter Diseases

by Manojit Datta

Although winter is comfortable compared to summer, several additional diseases are seen at this time every year. Especially for children and the elderly, this period creates quite a complication.

Let’s see what kind of problems are seen in winter and what should be done to deal with them?

Diseases that May Occur:-

During this time of winter, cold-related problems are more common. Such as cough, exacerbation of asthma, temporary fever, and cold allergies. At this time, due to the high dust in the air, many people have problems like allergies or breathing problems.

Especially children and elderly people may have problems like coughing, and cold allergies. If not detected in time, it can sometimes develop into pneumonia.

The cold can cause tonsils to swell and cause pain in many people.

Malaria, Filaria and Dengue :-

In winter, outbreaks of various viral fevers including malaria, filaria, and dengue disease are seen. At this time, the prevalence of mosquitoes also increases in many places. Although dengue is a monsoon disease, it is now spreading in winter as well. So be careful about mosquito bites. A doctor should be consulted only if symptoms such as high-temperature fever with chills, recurrent fever, joint pain, etc. are observed.

Use of Turmeric Hot Water:- 

Many people cannot adapt quickly to the change in weather that occurs when summer ends and winter begins. That’s why many people get a fever. This doctor advises washing the face or hands with lukewarm water from the beginning of winter till the end.

Slimming :-

Sudden cold causes diarrhea in children and sometimes in adults. Especially when it is very cold, elderly people also have loose stools. To avoid this problem, the doctor advises not to eat outside food at all, but to be careful with food. Adults and children are advised to always wear gloves and socks along with warm clothes.

Dry skin:- 

Due to dryness during winter, the skin of the body also becomes dry. As a result, itching or pain may be felt at times. Sometimes it can also be due to allergies. Especially those who are allergic to dust. To deal with this, regular body lotions or olive oil, coconut oil or glycerin can be used. Then the skin will be normal.

Caution from dust:-

Dust in the air increases during winter. In big cities, the amount of metals in the air also increases a lot, which is harmful to health. To avoid this, a face mask can be used when going out. Those who have dust allergy problems, if they have such itching, must consult a doctor. will be If you are careful about this from the beginning, there will be no chance of itchiness or allergy spreading.

Diabetic and chronic Disease sufferers :-

For those who are diabetic or have long-term illnesses, winter can cause particular problems. Because at this time their complexity can be increased. In many cases, problems such as insomnia may also develop. That’s why Doctor advises these patients to contact the doctor regularly at this time. Then according to the problem, the doctor can prescribe the medicine they need.

What Should Be Avoided:-

First, protect yourself from the cold of winter. Warm clothes should be worn, ears and hands should be covered, muffler should be used around the neck. Colds should be absolutely avoided. Always use lukewarm water starting from bathing or washing hands. In the case of drinking water, it is better to mix it with warm water. Cold foods like ice cream, coke, etc. should be avoided at this time.

Masks can be used to avoid smoke or dust outdoors. If necessary, the cream should be used according to the needs of the skin.

What Should Be Done:-

The doctor says that one should drink plenty of water even during winter. In addition, foods containing vitamin C such as olives, oranges, lemons, etc. should be eaten in large quantities. They act as an antidote. Children often do not keep warm clothes on their bodies or take them off. So one should keep a watchful eye on them. Physical work or exercise should be done regularly even in winter.

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