Home Global News Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, And Treatment Of Brain Tumours.

Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, And Treatment Of Brain Tumours.

by Manojit Datta

Brain tumors are abnormal cell growths that can either be benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous) in nature. They may be primary, starting in the brain, or secondary, spreading to the brain from other areas of the body. They may also develop in various regions of the brain. An overview of the causes, signs, symptoms, diagnosis, and care for brain tumors is provided below:-


Often, the precise source of brain tumors is unknown. However, several risk elements, such as the following, may raise the possibility of getting a brain tumor:

  1. Brain tumors run in the family.
  2. Radiation exposure, such as through radiation therapy in the past.
  3. Genetic diseases include Li-Fraumeni syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, and neurofibromatosis.
  4. A few environmental elements, while the connection is not conclusively shown.

Symptoms: –

Depending on the size, location, and rate of growth of the tumor, the symptoms of a brain tumor can change. Typical signs might include:

1. Headaches that could get worse over time.

2. Convulsions or seizures.
3. Vomiting or nauseous.
4. The limbs are weakened or numb.
5. Vision changes, such as double or blurry vision.
6. Speaking or interpreting speech with difficulty.
7. Alterations in personality or behavior.
8. Balance and coordination issues.


Diagnosis: –

A brain tumour is often diagnosed using a number of procedures and tests, such as:-

1.physical examination and medical history.
2. Evaluation of brain function by a neurological procedure.
3. To see the brain and find anomalies, imaging techniques such as computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are used.
4. The procedure of a biopsy, which involves taking a tiny sample of tumor tissue for examination.
5. In some circumstances, a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) is performed to examine the cerebrospinal fluid for malignant cells.


The types, sizes, locations, and grades of the tumor, as well as the patient’s general health, all influence the therapy options for brain tumors. Typical treatment approaches include:-

The goal of surgery is to remove the tumour as much as possible without harming healthy brain tissue.
Radiation therapy:- Cancer cells are targeted and destroyed using high-energy beams.

Chemotherapy:- Drugs are used to either kill or slow the growth of cancer cells.
Drugs are employed in targeted therapy to specifically target and combat specific abnormalities found in cancer cells.

Immunotherapy:- It enlists the immune system’s assistance in identifying and eliminating cancer cells.
Supportive care, which is frequently used in conjunction with other forms of treatment, focuses on treating symptoms and enhancing the quality of life.

A multidisciplinary group of medical experts, comprising neurosurgeons, oncologists, radiation therapists, and other specialists, decides on the particular treatment strategy.

It’s vital to keep in mind that every case is different and that the treatment strategy will be adjusted to the demands and conditions unique to the patient. To identify any potential recurrence or therapeutic side effects, regular follow-up care and monitoring is required.

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