Home Global News World Blood Donor Day. Give Blood Save Life

World Blood Donor Day. Give Blood Save Life

by Manojit Datta

Every year on June 14th, people throughout the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day to promote voluntary blood donation and recognize the contributions of blood donors. It acts as a forum for encouraging more individuals to give blood and highlighting the impact of their noble deed on saving lives.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) created the celebration in 2004 to mark the birthdate of Austrian scientist and physician Karl Landsteiner, who is credited with developing the ABO blood grouping system. Since then, World Blood Donor Day has been observed annually with a particular theme to draw attention to important elements of blood donation.

Promoting the availability and safety of blood and blood products for transfusion is the main goal of World Blood Donor Day. To ensure that there are enough blood supplies available to meet the demands of patients in a variety of medical situations, such as emergencies, operations, childbirth, and treating various diseases, it attempts to emphasize the need for routine and voluntary blood donation.

The activity encourages people to give blood voluntarily and without payment or coercion. It also emphasizes the significance of preserving an adequate supply of secure blood, fostering accessibility to high-quality medical care, and supporting national blood transfusion programs.

Various activities and events are held in observance of World Blood Donor Day all throughout the world, including blood drive events, public awareness campaigns, seminars, conferences, and exhibitions. These programs seek to inform the public about the importance of blood donation, debunk common myths and misconceptions about it, and motivate individuals to donate blood frequently.

World Blood Donor Day is crucial in helping those who require blood transfusions save lives and achieve better health outcomes by promoting voluntary blood donation. In solving healthcare difficulties relating to blood availability, it also strengthens healthcare systems and fosters community cohesion.

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