Home Health Conjunctivitis Cases Increase In Delhi Due To Heavy Rain.

Conjunctivitis Cases Increase In Delhi Due To Heavy Rain.

by Manojit Datta
Everything You Need To Know About This Ailment

In Delhi, where flooding and other interruptions were caused by recent heavy rains, conjunctivitis has suddenly started to spread. After the flood levels subsided, there were more cases being recorded from the areas around the Yamuna River.

An infection that affects the eye is conjunctivitis, sometimes known as eye flu. It can be transmitted from one sick individual to another and is typically brought on by viruses. The illness, often known as pink eye, causes inflammation of the conjunctiva, the clear membrane covering the eye.

Reason Behind This:- Any allergens or irritants from smoke, dust, pollen, or chemicals might result in eye flu. An eye infection can also result from wearing contact lenses for an extended period of time or from failing to clean them.

Signs and Symptoms:- The infection’s symptoms and manifestations can differ from person to person. The most common symptoms, however, are redness, swelling, and itching in the eyes. The flu’s early stages might also cause watery eyes.

Treatment:- One needs to take a variety of medications to treat this illness. Using artificial tears or any other lubricating eye drops to help a sick person keep moisture in their eyes is one of the most effective therapies. A warm or cold compress can also assist in reducing swelling and irritation.


To avoid the discomfort brought on by the infection, the eye flu must be prevented.
In order to practice excellent hygiene, one must wash their hands frequently and refrain from touching their eyes with bare or dirty hands. Additionally, sharing personal items like towels, lenses, or glasses is not permitted. Your neighborhood needs to be cleaned thoroughly. Personal hygiene needs to be prioritized more for those who live close to the Yamuna River’s banks. The virus might spread quickly through the air in the vicinity. Use clear, clean glasses and refrain from touching your eyes with dirty hands to prevent eye flu.

Additionally, if you spot any of the signs or symptoms, visit the doctor as soon as possible.

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