Home Health Curry Leaf Benefits !!

Curry Leaf Benefits !!

by Manojit Datta
Collected From : netmeds.com

Curry leaves are an ingredient that many of us are familiar with. We use curry leaves to add flavor and aroma to our various dishes. Along with curry leaves, its juice is equally beneficial.

Bengalis use it a little less, but pretty much all over India, this leaf is used quite well. Used in the kitchen. This means its flavor is enhanced with this leaf in cooking. There is a practice of eating these leaves regularly because of its herbal properties. The name of the leaf is curry leaf. However, this leaf is used more in South India than in North India. Curry leaves are used in various dishes such as curry, dal, fried, salted semolina, charter polao, etc.

Curry leaves are rich in calcium, iron, copper and vitamins. Regular use of this leaf fills the deficiency of the body. It is very effective in preventing various diseases of the body. Along with curry leaves, its juice is equally beneficial.

Making curry leaves juice is quite easy. Take a glass of water in a vessel and boil some curry leaves in it. Now strain it and mix some lemon juice and honey in water and drink it warm or cold.


Benefits of curry leaves:-

Curry leaves have antioxidants. It keeps the body healthy from within by preventing cell damage. Prevents disease transmission. Curry leaves contain beneficial alkaloids. It helps to eliminate any injury or injury effortlessly. Boiled water from curry leaves works well in treating itching, minor burns, etc. Curry leaf paste works as a very good antiseptic.

Curry leaves also help in weight loss. Regular use of curry leaves in food or regular consumption of curry leaf juice melts fat. Weight loss. Due to the presence of iron, zinc and copper in curry leaf juice, it helps in controlling diabetes.

A pair of curry leaves also helps to keep the brain alert. In old times, people say that eating curry leaves regularly increases intelligence. And modern science says that curry leaves works great in controlling amnesia.

Eating curry leaves is also very good for eyesight. Many claim that due to the effect of vitamin A present in curry leaves, the cornea of ​​the eye is good.

Curry leaf also relieves hair loss. The anti-microbial, vitamin A and C present in it strengthens the hair roots and keeps the hair healthy. Not only this, curry leaves are unmatched for skin health.

If curry leaves are heated in beet or oil and massaged lightly on the scalp, it gets nutrients. A mixture of curry leaves paste and curd acts as a great conditioner when applied to the hair. Heat coconut oil and boil it with curry leaves and apply it on the scalp. Hair loss will stop. Eating curry leaf juice or raw curry leaves is also very beneficial for hair.

Curry leaves are very beneficial for the heart as they are full of vitamin C, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory. Regular consumption of curry leaf juice helps prevent heart disease.

Currently, everyone is under the influence of the corona virus. Many claim that curry leaves also work to prevent this disease. In fact, many people believe that the effect of vitamin C present in curry leaves increases the body’s immunity power. However, even if the researchers do not emphasize whether it prevents corona, everyone more or less believes that curry leaves are a great herb to keep the body healthy from the inside.

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