Home Health Know The Causes Of Constipation And Some Surefire Home Remedies.

Know The Causes Of Constipation And Some Surefire Home Remedies.

by Manojit Datta

In most cases, unplanned diet, and irregular eating habits cause constipation problems. But in some cases this problem is hereditary. If the problem of constipation is not treated properly in time, it can increase the risk of colon cancer many times. As a result of constipation, stools cannot be released from the body normally every day. There is always a fear of eating something on a full stomach. Let’s find out what are the hidden reasons behind the problem of constipation…

Causes of Constipation:- 1) Drinking less water, 2) Eating less fibrous or fiber-containing foods, vegetables, and fruits, 3) Eating too many dairy products like cheese, and chickpeas can increase the problem of constipation, 4) No physical exertion, walking or exercise at all. If, 5) as a result of lying in bed due to an illness for a long time, 6) as a result of severe anxiety or depression, 7) if there is cancer of the intestinal tract, 8) if there is diabetes, 9) if there is a tumor in the brain and as a result of bleeding in the brain, the problem of constipation can take root in the body.

Constipation problems are mostly due to irregular eating habits, and unplanned diet. But in some cases this problem is hereditary. Constipation without timely proper treatment or precautions increases the risk of colon cancer many times. So you should be careful with time. Constipation can be cured naturally in the initial stages rather than allopathic medicines. Know 4 home remedies that are sure to cure constipation.

Some Of The Non-Failing Home Remedies For Constipation Are:-

1) Eat a whole apple with the peel for 1 hour before going to bed every night. You will benefit.

2) Drink a cup of warm water at night before going to sleep. Drinking warm water will help digestion and relieve constipation. So make it a habit to drink a cup of warm water before going to bed regularly at night.

3) Soak a large cardamom in a cup of warm milk overnight. After waking up in the morning, grind this cardamom and eat it with milk. If you eat cardamom milk like this in the morning and at night, you will get quick benefits in case of severe constipation problems.

4) Mix one spoon of honey and one spoon of lemon juice in a glass of warm water and drink it every day before going to bed. Try sleeping on your left side. If you can develop this habit, you will get quick benefits from the problem of constipation.

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