Home Health Shilajit: Natural Sexual Enhancer! What are The Qualities Of Shilajit ?

Shilajit: Natural Sexual Enhancer! What are The Qualities Of Shilajit ?

by Manojit Datta

Shilajit A dark brown substance. This extract from high mountain rocks is mainly found in the southern mountains of India, Nepal, Bhutan, Russia, Iran, Mongolia, and Peru.

In Peru, this substance is known as ‘Andean Shilajit’. Shilajit is also sometimes referred to as mineral extract or resin. But that is not correct. Although sticky like tar, this substance dissolves easily in water.

Some researchers hypothesize that Shilajit is formed by the decomposition of plants that secrete latex and resins from Euphorbia and Trifolium plant species over many centuries.

Shilaji contains 60 to 80 percent humic acid and fulvic acid. Apart from this, there are several chemical elements including selenium. But if you look closely, you will find that all reputed pharmaceutical companies or Ayurvedic companies sell Shilajit as a packaged product in new packaging. The demand in the market is also huge. The price is not low at all. The price of 40 grams of shilajit from a well-known company is around six to seven thousand INR.

But Why So Much Demand For Shilajit? Why So Much Price?

Shilajit is used as a natural sexual enhancer. So many people eat Shilajit to increase sexual power. Many men have relatively low levels of the sex hormone testosterone. As a result, symptoms such as low sex drive, hair loss, loss of muscle mass, fatigue, and increased body fat can be seen in men.

Unfailing Shilajit to fix this deficiency of testosterone in the body. A study has also claimed that Shilajit increases the sexual performance of men to a great extent in just three months. Shilajit also works to reduce male infertility. In one study, 60 men were given shilajit twice a day for 90 days. After 90 days, 60 percent of the men who participated in the study had increased sperm count. Sperm motility also increases in 12 percent of men.

But Shilajit has many other medicinal properties besides enhancing sexual potency. Many people also eat Shilajit to keep their hearts healthy. Researchers tested the performance of Shilajit on the hearts of rats. The researchers also claimed that the results were as expected. Shilajit also helps in increasing red blood cells and iron content in the blood. At least that’s what some experts think. Some researchers have also claimed that shilajit has a special role in increasing sleep time and reducing lethargy in people with poor sleep.

Shilajit is rich in fulvic acid. Fulvic acid is a powerful antioxidant. Therefore many claim that due to regular use of Shilajit aging comes late.

**** Although Shilajit is a natural ingredient, Shilajit should not be consumed in its natural state. Unprocessed Shilaji can contain many metals, fungi, and other contaminants. As a result, there is a risk of getting sick after eating this Shilajit. ****

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