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The Power Of A Night Old Fermented Rice

by Manojit Datta
panta-pokhal rice

Friends, we shall learn today what advantages fermented rice has for our bodies. There is a tradition of soaking rice in water in South-East Asia, where it is widely farmed and is a staple diet. We call it Panta Bhat/Pakhala, which is rice that has been soaked overnight in clean, clear water and consumed the following day. In South India, West Bengal, Assam, Bihar, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Kerala are also popular regions for eating panta rice. It goes by various names depending on where you are.

Eating this panta is more common practice, particularly in rural areas. Because of the excessive heat and humidity in some places, rice is susceptible to spoilage. But even after soaking in water, this food does not go bad rapidly. In addition, some hungry people have in the past saved food by adding water to their rice and eating it the next day. This panta/pakhala (Oriya People Say This) rice movement essentially has conservation as its primary goal.

How is this panta/pakhala/fermented rice made?

Panta rice is typically prepared using water from the night before leftover rice. Clean water and rice are combined and covered in a pot. Rice and water react chemically when left together for ten to twelve hours at a time. The rice now submerged cannot currently come into touch with oxygen or air.

According to scientists, water hastens the fermentation of rice. Inside the vessel, anaerobic fermentation takes place. Additionally, the rice’s carbohydrates are broken down during this process, along with the depletion of phytate and other anti-nutritional elements.

What’s in this panta?

Panta/pakhala/fermented rice has been demonstrated in studies to possess number of micronutrients or healthy minerals. These include vitamin B, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and phosphorus. Compared to regular rice, panta rice has substantially higher levels of these nutrients. 3.5 mg of iron can be found in 100 milli grams of ordinary rice.

However, after 12-hour soaking period, 83.9 mg of panta rice was produced. Studies have revealed that panta rice now contains significantly more potassium, magnesium, and zinc. Rice has an antinutritional substance similar to phytate that binds minerals like iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and zinc.

Benefits of Panta Rice

Panta rice is said to include elements that boost the body’s immune system. The high concentration of iron in panta rice contributes to an increase in blood oxygen levels. The body’s bones are kept strong by calcium. The body’s own enzymes are activated by magnesium. variety of metabolites, including beta-sitosterol and campesterol, which protect the body from inflammation or pain, were also discovered to be present in panta rice, according to studies. Additionally, it lowers cholesterol. Additionally, panta rice has metabolites like the cancer-preventive flavonoids isorhamnetin-seven-glucoside. According to studies, panta rice includes lactic acid bacteria that are good for your health. Yogurt and curd frequently include these microorganisms. Thailand, Myanmar, and other nations consume fermented rice.

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