Home Global News What is Premature Ejaculation

What is Premature Ejaculation

by Manojit Datta

It is a common sexual issue. When a man ejaculates during sexual activity before he or his partner would like to, it is known as premature ejaculation (PE), which is a common sexual problem. When it occurs repeatedly and upsets others or makes relationships tough, it is regarded as premature. Premature ejaculation doesn’t have a set time limit because it might differ from person to person and based on the situation. However, ejaculation is typically diagnosed if it happens frequently within about a minute of penetration.

Premature ejaculation can have a variety of potential causes, including psychological ones like stress, worry, or relationship problems, as well as biological ones like imbalanced hormone levels or specific medical diseases. Sometimes, it may also be a mix of the two.

Premature ejaculation is frequently treated with a variety of techniques, such as:

Behavioral strategies: These strategies are intended to enhance control over ejaculation. Examples include the start-stop technique, which interrupts sexual stimulation before ejaculation, and the squeeze technique, which squeezes the penis to momentarily lessen the excitement.

Psychological counseling: Therapy or counseling can assist in addressing any underlying psychological issues, such as anxiety or interpersonal issues, that may be causing premature ejaculation.

Drugs:- Offlabel prescriptions of some drugs, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), can assist postpone ejaculation. These drugs can be beneficial for certain people but have the adverse effect of postponing orgasm.

Local anesthetics: To lessen sensitivity and postpone ejaculation, topical anesthetics in the form of creams or sprays may occasionally be given to the penis.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that early ejaculation is a common problem and is frequently successfully managed. It is best to seek advice from a medical expert or a sexual medicine specialist if you are having this issue so that they may accurately diagnose your condition and make therapy recommendations based on your individual needs.

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